ok, so all of these photos are in reverse order, but atleast im getting better at getting them into an order... well... im knackered to say the least, it's been a long but fun week away, let me start from the begging... HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESS !!!... thursday night we all went out for dinner and drinks, lucky for all of us Val brought along pink "my little (f**king) pony" birthday hats for everyone.. he he... Friday morning Kay, Jess and I went and got on a plane a flew to New Yoooooork....where everyone is very angry !!! As friday was Jess' official birthday we took her up the top of the Empire State Building for some pretty night lights. Unfortunately it felt like sub zero temperatures up there but we managed, Times square was a buzz. Saturday we walked all around NY, from 50th all the way to Battery Park and back again. ouch, but we got to see the Statue of Liberty (sort of), and look at the old WTC site, now just a big hole in the ground. Kay flew out on Sunday leaving Jess and i to tour through Central Park and try to take it easy with ailments of the blister variety. Monday we got a train to Boston to see an old friend of hers at Harvard, we got to sit a class on Negotiation Analysis, my idea of arm wrestling it out instead was kept quiet ! But at least i can say I went to Harvard. Tuesday we stopped in at the Cheers bar... remember Cheers... ?... unfortunately everyone didnt know our names, but you cant win them all ! Wednesday we went shopping through Cambridge and ate way too much. Thursday was a 4:45am rise to get our train back to NY where we went to 'Kats Deli' where they had the "Big O" scene from "When Harry Met Sally", and also went to C.B.G.B's, they were closed, but let us in for a wander around inside... much smaller than i expected, then for the icing on the cake we went to see Monty Pythons "Spamalot" their "lovingly ripped off stage show" of the Holy Grail, Tim Curry as Arthur and the guy that plays Niles on Frasier as Brave Brave Sir Robin... Fantastic show, we were laughing solidly for a good few hours... we then crashed out after a short stint at a bar called "Dicks"... i think Jess knew it was a gay bar but i was oblivious... typical !... got up at 4:45 this morning for our 7am flight back here to sunny S.F..... so all in all... a great week... but now im pooped and going to bed.