Hey, yesterday was funny. It was the last day of the 3 day Oktoberfest that is "had" here in the San Fran. It was on one of the docks in what could pass as an aircraft hanger with piers on both sides... beautiful day, loads of drinks, 40 piece bavarian band, loads of people and one serious bratwurst. We spent most of the afternoon there, I even scored a free beer as the bartender thought i was cute, unfortunately HE is not my type. Then later all went out to "the stinking rose" which is a fairly well known little resteraunt that seems to put excessive amounts of garlic in everything.... fantastic feed, god we all stunk, and afterwards a stumble back to the train home after too much sun, beer, walking, standing, garlic, being hit on my guys and jagermeister...... but a fun day non the less. I get the impression this weekend will be similar... college football fallowed by the exotic erotic festival..... ???????? The photos are all of us just before we left and Jay blew a 0.275.... ouch... i think skulling a beer and then using a breathaliser is not going to give a fair read. He was also able to buy enough jagermeister shots from the scantly clad jager girl to score a free hat. Fun day.